Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Momentous Occasion!

"I have a lot to update on - a visit from Aunt Amaris, a plethora of new foods, 
Thanksgiving dinner with Mama's family (and even more new foods), 
and another visit with my cousin Daniel - but it all must wait!"

"You see, today I'm celebrating a momentous occasion for the Woodland family."

"Any guesses why?"

"I'm trying TOMATOES, the blacklisted food for Daddy's family!"

"And guess what?"

"Tomatoes are delicious!"

Diego's rating for tomatoes: 2 thumbs up!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Snow Day!

"I played with my cousin Daniel on Saturday."

"Did you know that he's only 7 months older than me?"

"I also got to cuddle and play with my cousin Daniella!"

"And look! Snow!"

"I had no idea how much fun snow could be when I saw it last winter!"

"Aren't we cute?"

"I can't wait for next time!"

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Diego's First Halloween

"Happy Halloween everyone!"

"I know, I'm a day late. But that's because I was having too much fun 
to let Mama load pictures yesterday!"

"I was busy doing things like this to Mama. But wanna see my costume?"

"Here I come!"

"Almost there - wait, are those blocks?"

"Ooooh, the camera! I love the camera!"

"Hm, more blocks."

"Oh yeah, did you see what I am?"

"I'm a hamburger!"

"More specifically, a hamburger of destruction!"

"Also known as a climbing hamburger."

"And more commonly known as a blurry hamburger who can't sit still."

"Mama? Mama? Why are you lying down?"