"Can you tell where I am?"
"If you guessed a plane, you're right!"
"This is how I spent a lot of the flight home.
This is not how I spent the flight out."
"Oh, I guess I never mentioned where we went. I'll give you 3 hints."
"Hint #1. Do you see me with Daddy?"
"Hint #2. Fro-yo!"
"Hint #3. Hi Robot!"
"Figure it out yet? I'm at Google!"
(We actually went to San Francisco for a wedding.)
"Look at all this stuff! It's all so...BIG! And delicious looking!"
"I tried to take home a souvenir, but I didn't want to get Matt in trouble."
"Oh hey there's Matt! I let him hold a lot of my toys
while we visited with him and Julie.
And when I say 'a lot,' I mean ALL of my toys."
"It seemed to keep him happy."
"And then it was back on the plane. I'm not going to lie - "
"One of the best naps ever."
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